An UI DEMO for the game concept of Ghost Hunter       

       No one has lived in the mansion deep inside Wicked Forest for centuries, but it remained the setting of many scary stories shared across the neighboring villages. People once thought no one can find actual evidence about those stories. At least not until one day, a family of five moved in. Everything was normal until the end of the first week when things started going missing: from toys to clothes to electronics. During the day, the doors would open and close randomly, and during the nights, the family would hear a wide range of sounds of children playing. They have tried installing cameras and radars, but nothing was detected. After a month, they could not take it any longer and went to the closest village to find a solution to these problems.

        This is a 2D single player side scroller game in which the player acts as the infamous ghost hunter hired to help the family solve the mansion’s mysteries. There is a huge amount of negative energy inside the mansion from previous tenants who passed away. To dispose this unknown energy, the player must accomplish the wills/quests of the wandering ghosts and let their souls rest in peace. Science is not invincible, but a true ghost hunter can be.


Jiaxin Huang - UI and UX Artist/Designer/Programmer

Background Music - Peder B. Helland from Instrumental Halloween Music

Sound Effects -

Please keep in mind that this is only the UI for the game, so there is no gameplay and certain functionality is missing. 

In GAMEPLAY view,  players can press different keyboard to trigger responses for testing some UI functionality

  - Press "1" to deal damage (Lose screen appears when health reaches 0)

  - Press "2" to use weapon (take away mana)

  - Press "H" to open/close quest panel

  - Press "P" to open/close pause panel

  - Press "M" to open/close Map popup

  - Press "I" to open/close Inventory


GhostHunter_UXDesignDoc.pdf 1.2 MB


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Character model isn't showing up, when selecting a save file. Please fix! Unless I'm suppose to download it.

This is supposed to be the first playtest and its only the UI/UX